Personal choices are individual -- we like what we like; but there are purpose requirements for sound quality: low distortions, wide regularity reaction and music separating, and uninhibited powerful variety. If you used those requirements to most modern files, few would do well. Let's first look at powerful variety compression; once the mix or perfecting professional squeezes a singer's whisper-to-a-scream oral, the say will be just as loud as the yell. I love Video arcade Fire's songs, but their last history, "The Suburban areas," appears to be like junk. That's too bad; the songs is powerful, but the sound is not fun to pay attention to, and an LP or a FLAC can't fix the problems that were there to start with.
No one places out to create bad-sounding recordings; they all create files they wish their designed viewers will like. The groups and technicians know that most individuals will be hearing on free headphones, car sound systems or Wireless sound system, so they create files that sound good over those things, but if that say to a yell oral was remaining unchanged by the mix and perfecting technicians you'd pay attention to it in the MP3, FLAC computer file, or on the CD. Those types are all capable of recreating music's complete powerful variety, but most of modern professional songs has it soft-to-loud characteristics crammed smooth. Obviously, most individuals like it that way.
If the musician was enjoying a Gretsch Synchromatic 400 Sound Archtop, I'd like to pay attention to its exclusive sound. But if manufacturer and professional history the Gretsch through a collection instead of a mic, flattened its sound, compacted powerful variety, included digital reverb, and process it to loss of life -- there won't be much remaining of the Gretsch's sound. It would sound like a common instrument, which is why I would explain the sound of the producing as "bad." If the professional enhanced the highs to create the sound "cut" better for viewers in loud surroundings, it's likely to sound severe at home in a basic establishing. It would sound "bad" to me. So why not create individual blends for different formats? Stock up the MP3 with compacted characteristics and lighter EQ, and put the uncompressed, less EQ-ed mix on the LP and FLAC produces. Then everybody would get the sound they want.