Web faces new openness challenges CERN

There are now two decades, the European particle accelerator called CERN gave birth to what is called the open Web - a technology that anyone can build without paying licensing fees or royalties.
But as the Web has become more popular and sophisticated, proprietary technology poses a challenge to this philosophy of openness. The challenge is clear in the video field, where patents and protection against copying are in contradiction with the opening of the Web.
Tim Berners-Lee, a physicist at CERN began to develop what he called the World Wide Web in 1989. After CERN released the software for free April 30, 1993, the Web has spread like wildfire to become a global media publishing.
Tuesday, CERN republished first website in the world as part of a project to rebuild its first Web content and highlight its movement towards the opening.
early opening
Berners-Lee and CERN chose to follow the footsteps of earlier rights free Internet technologists. By opting for the opening, they helped ensure seminal software as the standard TCP / IP network spreads more quickly and thus ultimately prevailed over proprietary solutions such as IBM Token Ring, DECnet Digtal equipment and IPX / SPX Novell.
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