Windows Blue becoming of Windows 8.1

Mrs. authorities have apparently decided on the name for MS Windows ultimate Rouge. The last choice, one of my sources have told me is that it will be Mrs. windows 8.1.
The client version of Red, code named Red MS Windows, MS is a renewal of Windows 8. It is scheduled to be released to manufacturing around August this year. As I blogged a few times, she plans to position Red as an aspect of MS Windows 8 wave, not Ms windows 9.
On Twitter this morning Roman L. (Aka @ AngelWZR) released a display made of what appears to be a point of MS Windows Red is later than that published the other day. The week has been developing Red 9364, is the new 9375. It is marked in the display AngelWZR considered "Windows 8.1 Pro."
"Maybe this is not an April Fool's laugh", "AngelWZR tweeted.
My source said that Red high-level marketing will be "Windows 8" when Mrs. product 8.1 upgrade - similar to the way Windows windows phone Ms authorities discussed the "Mango" (Windows Mobile 7.5) Version Ms. aspect of mobile phone windows 7 family.
My informant also stated that Ms programs refer to the upgrade windows red Mrs. RT "RT Windows 8.1."
There is no word of what, if any, existing programs to entrust Ms. MS Windows 8 and MS Windows clients for RT red.
Professional Microsoft as MS Windows Chief Financial Officer Tami Reller said that Ms. continually considering MS Windows 8 as something more than a marvel of a season. Reller said the company believes MS Windows 8 a product "of the season multiple sales." It is convenient that would be called Mrs. Red 8.X windows, not MS Windows 9.
If flat out that Ms. has indeed opted for the red to be named 8.1 - rather than 8.5 or 8.7 - I would not be surprised to see the predicted next two annual updates Ms windows customers have also 8. X name when they roll over the coming years.
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