Time calculator shows the futility of trying to keep up with Twitter

Like many things in life, Twitter is best used in small doses. Check on a trending topic. Get the latest tweets on sporting events. See what Neil deGrasse Tyson has to say about anything. Just do not try to take it all in. You drive yourself crazy.

Considering the volume of tweets flying around at any given time, you might feel like you Twitter through the raindrops as many smudges all over your windshield while driving at high speeds. Perhaps you would like to know exactly how Twitter is spinning before you. Guess what? There is a calculator on hand just for that.

Web developer Koobazaur implemented the Tweetulator a calculator that puts a number at the level of the futility involved with keeping up with Twitter. You start by entering the number of Twitter users you follow. For me, it is 112. You can change the average number of tweets your reading speed, and the number of pages in a novel medium. I stuck with the default settings of five tweets per day for each Twitter user with an average of 35 words per tweet.My results showed that I would need 1 hour, 11 minutes, and 16 seconds to read all day to keep up with all the tweets of all the people that I am. This is probably a conservative estimate. It could be worse, but it is still more time so that I am ready to return to Twitter on a daily basis.

At least I'm not on Twitter co-founder Jack Dorsey. Should spend more than 14 hours each day to follow the 1330 people he has now.

Tweetulator results are not really surprising, but it manages to put into perspective when Twitter. Let's just say if I miss a few tweets here and there, I will not feel bad about it.
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