creative photos with HTC One

One of my favorite features on the HTC One is its camera. Beyond image quality, which is great, HTC really went the extra mile to pack in a bunch of extras fresh software.
Two of the extras that really caught my attention are called Clip and Zoe, and you can see them in action in the video above.
Using the sequence shot function allows you to composite multiple images into a single image. The trick to it is to stand still and shoot a bunch of shots by holding the camera button. This will create a lot of self-images that you change the Retouch option, selecting the sequence of the sub-menu.
After HTC One does some processing, it will give you a composite of what he believes to be the best pictures to your movie. By tapping on the pictures on the bottom, you can take them in or out of sequence. When you have the way you want, press the Done button, then press the little dots at the top for the menu and select Save.
Zoe One feature of the HTC is also a good thing to get this shot of perfect action. To use, put up your picture and press the button Zoe on the left side (it looks like a camera with a horizontal bar behind it). After that, press the shutter button and the camera will take the picture with a short video before and after the shooting. When done, press the stack of photo at the top and you will see the video, and a white spot on the calendar that shows the photo that you took.
What makes this function Zoe so great, is that you do not have to choose between taking a photo or video - you can have both. You can drag the timeline around and maybe find some other frames of the video that you can export photos using the menu button.
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